Green days

Salad days are here again, at least, the lettuce is! Welcome to the start of summer, fresh vegetables, fresh flowers, eggs (almost) and some new opportunities to come and learn with us.

Starting the month with sheep shearing, a full Sunday last week for Will and Elaine. Getting off to a dry start is key so we walked the flock in on Saturday night through some epic buttercups. Take a peek at our reel over on Instagram @rootsfamilyfarmshop. Everyone shorn, lambs re-united, nobody forgotten or lost and then back to the river meadows on Monday for some good food and relaxation!

Meg took to the stage at the RHS Malvern Spring Festival to demonstrate sustainable floristry with fellow Flowers from the Farm member Kate Hurst. Making a wonderful urn of seasonal flowers and taking questions from the audience during a 45 minute slot in the floral marquee had the pair thinking on their feet!

In other flowery news Meg is set to welcome budding florists and brides-to-be to her new Masterclass “Weddings with a WOW!” on Wednesday June 26th. Bringing together the expertise of Meg and florist extraordinaire Carol from Bournville’s ‘Tuckshop Flowers’ the pair will teach the Masterclass in two parts. It really is an opportunity not to be missed if you are starting out in floristry or plan to create your own wedding flowers. All the information you need to book is available here, don’t leave it too long, places are limited.

For those of you who have been eagerly awaiting the return of our fresh organic eggs, the wait is nearly over. We now have a new flock of point of lay chickens who are familiarising themselves with their new surroundings in our orchards at the farm and we hope will come into lay in the next few weeks. Just in time to supply wonderful eggs to top those ‘Sunday salads’ – do you remember the fresh lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, sliced bread and hard-boiled eggs of our childhoods? A food memory from the days we were more care-free, but maybe we can re-kindle this spirit with fresh flavours this summer.

With best wishes

Will & Meg